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Lose the Weight Loss Mindset

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

When you think about losing weight, what emotion comes up? I’ve asked this question to many people and I’ve rarely heard a positive emotion expressed. Here are some examples of what I've heard:

“I feel dread.”

"I'm not excited."


“I think, ‘here we go again.’”

“This will never work”

Occasionally, I hear someone say that they are motivated and excited to look and feel better, but while feeling that they are also resigning themselves to the idea that they will have to deprive themselves to some extent.

The truth is that most Americans need more nutrients, not less. Although most Americans are overweight or obese, many are not getting all the essential nutrients they need to function at their best. This lack of nutrition, including a lack of fiber and not enough fruits and vegetables, is contributing to the epidemics of chronic illness and disease.

Mindset is everything and we are challenging you to LOSE THE WEIGHT LOSS MINDSET. Instead, make it a goal each week to choose nourishing foods first. As you do, you can add to your list of weekly wins. Over time, you will feel better and you will also have less space for foods that aren’t as nutrient-rich. When you have the thought and emotion that tells you, “Ugh, I have to lose weight,” try and replace that with an empowering thought such as, “I am excited to eat foods that nourish me.” If you practice this consistently, chances are you will feel better and more empowered.

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Jan 15, 2022

Wow, I really like how you change the mindset to make it more "inspirational" because it's a much better approach then just telling yourself you need to lose weight.

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