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My Weekly Wins Manifesto

Updated: Aug 14, 2021

I will be kind and gentle with myself.

I will set small goals, keep track of and celebrate my successes and wins, no matter how small they seem.

I will pay attention to my thoughts about myself and make an effort to speak to myself kindly, the way I would speak to a dear friend.

When I have negative thoughts about myself, I will interrupt those thoughts with different thoughts that are helpful and supportive.

I will create a meal plan that primarily includes foods that provide nutrition and fuel for my body. I will follow that plan.

I will eat when I am hungry.

I will allow my body space and time to get hungry between meals, resting my digestive system.

I will move my body every day.

I will set a realistic goal of how much money I can save per month and then I will pay myself first.

When I don't do these things, I will remind myself that it's ok and I will try again when I am ready.

When I am tired, I will rest.

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