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The Magical Avocado

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

Avocados are technically a fruit and are full of essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and monosaturated fat- that's the good kind of fat that is also found in olive oil and nuts and may help you lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Plus, avocados are so versatile! You can apparently bake with them using them in place of butter (I've not tried this). You can top soups, salads, and tacos with fresh, avocado slices or make guacamole! Just be careful not to overindulge as eating a lot of guacamole is associated with eating a lot of tortilla chips!

Finally, recipe blogs these days seem to be incomplete without a recipe for Avocado Toast, although that seems almost as basic to me as a recipe for buttered toast. For me, the essential ingredients (other than wholesome crunchy toast and mashed avocado) are lime, salt, cumin, and a little spice- maybe fresh jalapenos, or, in a pinch. just plain old Tabasco sauce. If you have time and volition, some other great additions are cilantro, chopped garlic, and chopped tomato. Add a fried egg with a runny yolk, and it's a perfect little lunch!

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